Second time going to Pandora Box..
I have a lot of thought on my head.
going around the world is no longer my priority
Tomorrow I will go there once more...
A lot of thought come into my silly mind.
Okay, I am 28, a single woman. What to expect? I do not know
My last visit to Pandora box, I think I am in love with someone..
He is ......... well, I should not speak his name!
At that time, I hoped that he will love me back, but he did not
This is not my first time of course, being rejected by the one I adore.... It must be a hundred times for me...
Then, I was going home empty handed.
Then, I will go again tomorrow.
I do not know what to expect really...
ngomong-ngomong saya galau berat malam ini, setelah sholat isya, saya merasa galau... meninggalkan keluarga selama 4 tahun, Ya Allah... Aku mohon, lancarkanlah.. hanya kepadamulah tempatku berlindung.. dari seluruh marabahaya, hal-hal yang buruk dan kesesatan..
Tinggal di Pandora Box sebagai minoritas muslim pasti terasa berat. Pertama kali di sana, saya agak-agak limbung,,, tidak mendengar adzan, gak bisa sembarangan beli chicken wings di AHA, hiks, padahal chicken wings nya menggoda iman. Tapi...
seumur hidup, I found my Islam there.. saya menjadi lebih berpasrah pada Allah tentang arti hidup dan semakin percaya bahwa Dia lah penolong satu-satunya.
Pandora Box.....
di sana saya belajar bahwa Allah sungguh baik pada saya.... memberi saya kesempatan melihat dunia.... dan bertasbih mengagumi kekuatannya...
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