me_and this uncertain world

(tulisan ini menelanjangi isi hati saya)
Selasa, 31 Januari 2012
from bandung to holland (part4)
okay now let's start writing! it's 6:20 pm here.. and I'm waiting for my last english class before I move to bandung.
well I think I feel comfortable with the class... with many random people, esspecially with a couple brother with korean look.
no I'm not going to tell you about them but I don't have any idea in this post. well this couple brother truly inspiring me.
not only because they have no mother but also the way they pretend to everyone that their life is fine but it is not
the older one esspecially. he is the backbone of his family.
I can't say I don't care about his look. he is good looking. no.. he is awesome.
and he also has his own view in order to face his world.
i learn many from him.. always.. he pretend to be strong maybe in order to give a good example to his brothers.
okay.. if you are in this part it means I've already came back from course. and i didn't meet him. although i really want to say personal goodbye...
this posting i dedicated to him. one of my huge inspiration. by knowing him i remember i have to say thanks to GOD who gave many blessing in mylife,compare with his. he can enjoy his 'poor' why i can't thanks for the blessing i have...
Minggu, 29 Januari 2012
from BANDUNG to HOLLAND (part 3)
seperti yang kalian tahu, gue hiatus untuk beberapa lama, dan cuma posting "bersihin sarang laba-laba" jadi ini kayak balas dendam.. permintaan maaf sama blog yang gue tinggal buat daftar sekolah....
iya gue sekolah lagi.. (baca postingan sebelumnya yaaa) dan lagi benar-benar interest dengan kehidupan gue yang baru.... Bandung oh Bandung...
I don't have any idea in my mind except writing... I just want to share my experience... I just need any trash bin to throw all thing happened for last 7days.... maybe I need some pensieve (from Harry Potter book) but unfortunately it's fiction only... (begh.....)
Okay,, as a pensieve,, I have this blog by the way... to share anything happened. I promise to myself that this blog should be more useful than before. I wouldn't waste your time to read trash bin blog... ( g g g g )
Okay,,, setelah Bandung dan gajah duduk... ada hal yang bikin gue interest ga jelas beberapa hari terakhir. makan ga tenang, tidur ga nyenyak....
yak... SS3 3D in blitz... mimpi apa gue semalem?????
mbak sari nge- tweet gue bilang dia berhasil dapet tiket buat nonton tuh movie konser.......!!!!!!
3D bow... 3D... ea....... norak mode on dah gue.....
as I told you on very old old old old posting ( I don't know how old it is)... but I like SuperJunior and get Kpop fever... (feel like little girl) but I do...
I will watch 3d show on Saturday..... horaaaay... this Saturday, Febuary 4. can not wait to see my pumpkin prince... although I've already seen him before on SS3 DVD....
Perjalanan ke Bandung kemariiin.... (bersama ratih) dimulai dari.... eh tunggu seharusnya gue udah berangkat dari hari jum'at sore tgl 28-nya... tapi berhubung ada buruh demo dan memblokade jalan tol ya sudahlah ya,... gue berangkat hari sabtu-nya...
pagi pagi buta (syah.... bahasanyaaa) gue ngetok ngetok pintu kos Ratih.. " Atih main yuuuk" lha.. kayak orang ngajak maen...
dan dengan Bis Prima Jasa gue selamat sampai Bandung dan langsung dianter Kang Komar ke ITB _ makasih ya Kang Komar and Mbak Ratiiih.....
oke, sampai di sana, gue ketemuan ama Dimas, anak TS semester 8. ITB. ke arah taman sari... dan singkat cerita gue dapet kos di pelesiran...
kayaknya gue bakal betah kuliah di gajah duduk.. oh My God.... saya jatuh cinta sama kampusnya.... (entah mungkin nanti sama mahasiswa-nya) hahahahaha....
ini kayak mimpi bisa kuliah yang waktu gue SMA cuma bisa gue pandangin brosurnya......
get interest...
trus makan di rumah pasta... hohohohooo... baru kali ini gue liat rumah makan yang isinya pasta semua... hahahhahaha biasa makan di warteg... makan Pizza tippppiiiiissssss..... tapi kenyang, nah lho... aneh kan?? sensasi kenyangnya sama kayak sensasi kenyang pan pizza delight yang di Pizza hut. FYI, rumah pasta adanya di sebelah ITB jalan dikit....
ada lagi yang gue temukan di sekitar kampus... rental komik... akhirnyaaaa... setelah tiga tahun ga pernah baca komik. kayak nemuin oase di gunung pasir (musafiiiir komik). banyak banget judul komik yang udah ada di pikiran gue bakal gue pinjem, sesaat setelah gue naruh barang-barang pas pindahan.
terus adalagi yang bakal bikin gue betah banyak banget tukang DVD game sepanjang jalan di sekitar ITB.. yang kata abbas harganya CUMA Rp. 15rb perak dapet dua!!!!! gileee...
ya Allah luruskan niatku untuk ga keseringan nge-game dan baca komik...
from BANDUNG to HOLLAND (part 2)
1st I want to say thanks to my family who help me by their pray!
and also thanks to Mr. Decky, Mr. Adi, and Mr. Ruta... they three gave me many tips to get this scholarship...
here they are.
1. Mr. Decky said " try different way, if others pick course work, pick by research"
you have to prepare your own proposal that related to your study, but it gave you one step closer because you already have any plan in your future study.. it is ok if finally you want to chose course work and that proposal will gave you an input for your motivation letter. after you have a proposal, send them to any professor in the university you want in order to get acceptance letter.
He also said " improve your english"yeah,, as we know, there is no scholarship without english certificate.... it will be important weapon after professor acceptance..
2. Mr. Adi said, "type a best promotion of yours in your motivation letter"
just tell who you are, where you work, what is your duty, and etc.... and don't forget tell them why they have to pick you not other candidates. maybe because you have strong motivation, leadership, and special interest from childhood about the program you want. more confidence but not a selfish one...
3. Mr. Ruta said, "translate your document into english"
simple but it will be your motivation (because translate your document into english is not cheap actually, so that you will say ' I won't let my money useless' when you are lazy someday...
he also said , " if the professor didn't answer your proposal, just call the university FSO"
FSO will tell you what is the requirement to apply nearest intake by email soon.
okay,, this is the step...
prepare your official personal document, follow TOEFL/IELTS or any kind of official english test, translate your document into English in official translator.
next... prepare your motivation letter..
and if you want to have by research program try to write your own proposal. read as many journal as you can. (international). it will improve your ability in analysis and writing something.
next try to search the professor name related to your background study (you can find them in official university website). if you want to have a course work try to contact the FSO (you can find them also in official university website) this step in order to have your "secret weapon" (professor/university acceptance letter).
and then try to browse the scholarship you want ( I suggest Bappenas - for civil servant, KOICA, KGSP, ADS, ALA, ADB, STUNED, NESSO try all of this keyword in google)
last is send your application!!!
the last is the most important. don't dream to have any scholarship without send any application at all.
I know the requirement is hard but..... believe me you can. and believe in yourself, keep in your mind "I'm the candidate they are looking for"
not much but hope it will be useful for you....
dream big, and get big!!!
from BANDUNG to HOLLAND (part 1)
any good news on Friday 20, 2012
there was a call from head of MPWK ITB she said that I've been accepted for dual degree program...
Dear Allah,, thanks so much for this opportunity.
she said I have to be there on feb 13 2012, for EAP class.
so... now I'm on my way to complete all the document.
why I'm so interested in?? because... I have a chance to go to Holland if I'm qualified enough in second year. dear Allah,, please make sure that I'll be in Holland.
from now on I will update all happened in my new life.... I called it new life because.. this is kind of life that I wanted ever..... learn something that I'm in love with, be some of master degree student in a big Institute... you know it's like a dream come true!!
last week on Saturday 28, 2012 I was looking for any boarding house accompanied by Ratih and Kang Komar.. two of Prajab friends also a friend named Dimas (he is a civil eng student, last year).. and I found one, in Pelesiran. it cost 500thousands rupiahs per month... not cheap actually but it's Ok... for this time.
from tangerang it will spent 4hours by bus.. Prima jasa Bus - Bandung Tangerang. stop in Leuwi Panjang and take public transportation, Leuwi panjang- Kalapa, then Kalapa- Dago. and in front of a hospital (forget the name ) you will see my campus....... hoaaa..... ya Allah, I'm totally blessed with this opportunity........
Let's begin the journey..
From Bandung to Holland